Faking It: 1992 Boston Globe
Simulation and the Creation of a Human World
Story-Based Simulations
The New Culture War
1. The Origins of
in Nature and History
Nature, Representation and
Virtual Realities: Then and Now
Theorists of Simulation:
Daniel Boorstin
Umberto Eco
2. Inventing
Artificial Rain Forests:
Worlds in a Bottle
Disney's Distorted Mirror: Animal Kingdom 1998
Cities of Simulation: Las Vegas
Cities of Simulation: Disney World
Advertising and the Invention of Postmodernity
Narcissus and Necessity: Why Are We
Creating Virtual Realities?
3. Simulation
Culture of Deception
4. Bringing Fantasy to Life
A Culture Based on Fantasy and Acting
The Mastery of Life
The Emergence of Recreational Evil
Mr. Paybak: Revenge as Entertainment
5. The Widening Horizon of Action and Perception
The Automated Environment
The Deconstruction of Reality:
Modernism: Surface and Depth
Sherry Turkle: Surface and More Surface
Faustian Society
Addendum: Another
Stanislaw Lem and the Future of
Illusion |